WordPress Tips & Tricks

Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response in post editor Gutenberg

Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response in post editor Gutenberg

The “Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response” error in the Gutenberg post editor of WordPress can occur due to...

Commonly used field types within the {% schema %} block in Shopify themes

Commonly used field types within the {% schema %} block in Shopify themes

Commonly used field types within the {% schema %} block in Shopify themes Here are the list mostly uses: Text: "type": "text": Represents...

WordPress Website Accessibility: Ensuring Inclusivity and Compliance

WordPress Website Accessibility: Ensuring Inclusivity and Compliance

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring that websites are accessible to everyone, including users with disabilities, has become increasingly important. As a business or...

How to use SVG in your WordPress media easily

How to use SVG in your WordPress media easily

SVG files are not supported by default in your WordPress installation, you can enable SVG support by using one of the following methods:...

Remove the website and author link from the WordPress post comment form

Remove the website and author link from the WordPress post comment form

To remove the website and author link from the WordPress post comment form, you can add the following code to your WordPress theme’s...

Hide sticky element or block reaching to a certain id or class jQuery

Hide sticky element or block reaching to a certain id or class jQuery

To hide a sticky element when reaching a certain ID or class in jQuery, you can use the .scroll() and .offset() functions to...

All about wp_head function details

All about wp_head function details

wp_head() is a function used in WordPress themes to output the head section of a web page. This section includes things like the...